Thanks for being curious. Here are some commonly asked hearing questions. Don't see what you need? Reach out to us and we're happy to help!
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General Hearing

How do I know if I have hearing loss?

The easiest and best way to find out is to get a baseline hearing test (AKA: Audiogram) performed by an Audiologist or Hearing Instrument Specialist. Often, one of the first clues of hearing loss is that your ability to hear and understand in background noise is challenged. If you’ve ever been out at a bar or cafe with friends and found yourself smiling and nodding along but only catching bits and pieces of what they’re saying. If the background sound of music or a whirling espresso machine prohibits you from understanding what someone is saying, it is a good idea to get a baseline hearing test.

Relax, this isn’t the kind of test you need to study for. For many adults, the last hearing test they had was in grade school. Most find a lot has changed since then, including how well they hear. Since hearing loss is often a slow and gradual process, it can be hard to realize on your own. It’s a good idea to get your hearing tested, especially if you suspect you have hearing loss symptoms (or someone has playfully hinted at such). Growing evidence shows that initial of hearing loss occurs (on average) in our 30s and 40s…so, we encourage getting a baseline decades sooner than most do currently.

What is the difference between a hearing screening and a hearing test?

The difference between a hearing screening and a hearing test is like the difference between a great first date and that pivotal moment when you just know you want to spend the rest of your life with someone. 

The type of hearing loss that warrants hearing aids (the most common), known as Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL), is a forever kind of thing. So, before our audiologists can prescribe a personalized device for your wants and needs, we want to know ALL the details of your hearing health.

This is where a hearing test comes in. This test assesses the health of your outer, middle, and inner ears. It also assesses:

  • Your ability to hear at different intensities across different frequencies
  • Your ability to understand speech
  • Your ability to understand speech in background noise
  • How well your ears respond to loud noises
  • If there are any differences in hearing between your left and right ears

This info ensures we give you everything you need to hear better, better.

What causes hearing loss?

The most common cause is the natural process of aging – however, most don’t realize this begins as young as our 30s and 40s! It truly is part of the natural process of aging, NOT an indicator of being old. Other common causes are noise exposure (wear your earplugs to concerts, friends!), genetics, excessive earwax, trauma, and medical conditions.

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Some hearing loss risk factors like age, illness, and genetics aren’t ours to choose. For the factors we get a say in, protection is undoubtedly key. Noise on the job, specifically loud and constant noise, can contribute to hearing loss. Think of professions such as farming, construction, factory work, dentristry, and performing. Protective equipment in the workplace can go a long way to reducing hearing damage.

Playing hard can take just as much of a toll as working hard. Think of hobbies like firearms, motorcycling, carpentry, and just plain old blasting the jams way too loud a little too often. If any of these sound like you, don’t forget your PPE, especially regarding your precious hearing. Earmuffs and earplugs are where it’s at.

If you’re putting two and two together about risk factors and your suspected hearing loss, we got you. Get your hearing tested, and let’s work together to bring you hearing tech for your lifestyle.

Down the rabbit hole.

Why does aging cause (sensorineural) hearing loss?

Have you ever had your carpet cleaned? Take a moment to imagine opening a front door to a large living room with light grey carpeting throughout that hasn’t had a proper cleaning in many years. It won’t take long to notice that the path from the entryway to the next room is noticeably more broken in than the rest of the area. Just like the living room, the landscape of your inner ear is carpeted with inner hair cells.

Your inner ear, AKA: cochlea, is wrapped like a snail. Sound travels from the base, where the low-frequency receptors live to the apex, where the high-frequency receptors live. All high-frequency sounds must travel through the low frequencies to arrive where the high-frequency sounds register.

Once enough hair cells are damaged or die due to heavy auditory traffic, hearing and the ability to understand speech sounds (especially in background noise) start to deteriorate, AKA: “hearing loss”. This auditory “foot traffic” wears down those hair cells. Once a hair cell dies, there is no resurrection.

The longer you’re alive, the more wear and tear on those hair cells. The more unprotected exposure to noise you endure, the more wear and tear. Therefore, you don’t need to be elderly to experience hearing loss; you just need a lot of auditory foot traffic.

Do I need two hearing aids, or can I just get one?

We’ll always shoot it straight with you – if you have hearing loss in both ears, you need two devices. Just like you need two shoes for both your feet or two lenses in your glasses, you need a device for each ear. We program each one separately based on each ear’s hearing loss. If you only have hearing loss in one ear, we will review your uploaded test results and consult with you before moving forward. We want to know more about one-sided hearing loss in case you need more intensive local medical care for an underlying issue.

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Many people have hearing loss in both ears. Even if one ear is better than the other, they’re probably in a similar neighborhood. Most people who need two devices for their hearing loss are more satisfied with the experience of having both. It’s important that you don’t feel “lopsided” with only half the treatment you need.

Getting two hearing aids also helps you take advantage of your binaural hearing better. That’s what the way your brain processes sound signals from both ears is called. When sound enters your left ear, it’s processed on the right side of your brain. When sound enters the right ear, it’s processed on the right side. Then, the hemispheres work together to make sense of things. Turns out, using both sides noticeably improves your ability to understand speech.

In normal hearing, the sound signals from both ears would be the same. But with only one hearing aid, the signals from one ear will always be stronger. This can make it difficult to distinguish between voices and background noises or the location of sounds.

Down the Rabbit Hole.

A few additional benefits of binaural hearing are:

  • Experience research has shown that those who have hearing loss in both ears rate their experience of using two hearing aids higher than using just one ear with poorer hearing.
  • Sound localization. You have an easier time determining where sound is coming from with proper amplification in each ear.
  • Both ears stay active, so your brain stays active, too.
  • Improved sound quality.
  • Tinnitus relief.
  • Ease of listening, less tax on your brain.

Is my hearing "bad enough" for hearing devices? Or could/should I wait?

The plain and simple truth is that if you have ANY hearing loss, you would benefit from getting a correction. Just like vision, there is no benchmark of “bad enough” – if you have a vision impairment, you need glasses or contacts. Same thing here; there is also an immense amount of research showing that getting started earlier with corrections benefits you and your brain and keeps things working well.

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A recent study revealed that only about 15% of adults in the US who need a hearing aid actually wear one. That sucks! And not because we sell them. It sucks because so many people could (but don’t) get the benefits of the right hearing technology in their life.

One common thread with hearing loss is the frequent reporting of feelings of loneliness. People can feel disconnected from their loved ones, communities, and hobbies because they struggle to hear well. We never want you to feel isolated or left out. Getting care for your hearing health puts you back in the loop.

Down the rabbit hole.

How are cognitive health and hearing health interrelated?

The relationship between cognitive health and hearing health can be best described by explaining the ear-to-brain connection.

Your ears collect sound, but it is your brain that understands sound. The ear-to-brain connection requires auditory nerve stimulation. Without stimulation, the nerves begin to die, and once they’re dead, they can’t be resurrected. The death of those inner hair cells is categorized as sensorineural hearing loss. By treating hearing loss, you can provide auditory stimulation through amplification. Treatment, AKA: amplification, can make it possible to continue creating connections and help your brain stay healthy, which overall makes a significant impact on your overall vitality. WIN!

Research reinforces that HEARING health is BRAIN health. Hearing health can be achieved by monitoring for hearing loss and treating any level of hearing loss and/or tinnitus.

Other relationships between hearing health and brain health are:

  • Untreated hearing loss increases social isolation.
  • Physical fitness. Untreated hearing loss and social isolation result in less physical activity.
  • Cerebral Atrophy (Brain shrinkage), eek.
  • Cognitive Overload. People with untreated hearing loss work much harder to hear when in background noise.

Four major benefits of treating hearing loss.

  • Increased quality of life. People with untreated hearing loss report improvement in overall quality of life, self-esteem, and close relationships after the medical treatment of hearing loss and tinnitus.
  • Measurable Increased Cognitive Function. Medical Treatment of Hearing Loss Improves Cognitive Function after only two weeks of prescribed use and shows a significant increase in selective attention, memory recall, and processing speed.
  • By providing proper stimulation to the brain, you can reduce tinnitus.
  • Reduced risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Source: According to the Lancet Commission. 2020, We now know that 4/10 cases of dementia are considered PREVENTABLE. In order of importance, the most modifiable lifestyle factor in reducing one’s risk of cognitive decline and dementia is treating hearing loss, which was listed as the most important way to prevent dementia, even more important than reducing alcohol or hypertension (which are both totally important).

What if my hearing suddenly changes?

If you have a sudden hearing loss (i.e., wake up one morning with radically reduced hearing) in one or both ears, this is a serious medical emergency. You should go to a medical clinic ASAP and be seen by an ENT specialist. Be sure to inform the office on the phone about your sudden hearing loss. The best chances for partial or complete recovery rely on intervention within 24-48 hours. We don’t want to scare you, just inform you so you can get the best care possible.

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Sudden hearing loss can be a concerning symptom and should be taken seriously because it may indicate an underlying medical condition that needs prompt attention. That could mean infections, trauma, a tumor on the nerve responsible for hearing and balance, inner ear disorders, autoimmune diseases, or can be caused by certain medications. That’s a lot of possibilities, and they’re all important to rule out.

An ENT or otolaryngologist is best equipped to evaluate and manage your sudden hearing loss. That way, any underlying conditions can be caught and treated. In some cases, sudden hearing loss can be reversible with prompt treatment. We emphasize that time is of the essence. The sooner you can get seen, the sooner you can let interventions work their magic. Don’t delay or ignore your symptoms, which can work against your chances of recovery.

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Types of hearing protection

  • Custom earmolds require a licensed hearing care provider to obtain an ear impression or 3D ear scan.
  • Musicians’ plugs. These are a type of custom earmolds with attenuation filters so you can protect your ears and allow in more or less sound for clarity.
  • Standard earplugs. These non-custom plugs (foam plugs) can be inserted into your ears for protection.
  • Supra Aural headphones. Otherwise known as earmuffs that are worn over your ears.


What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a perception of sound within a person’s ears and/or head. It is often described as ringing, buzzing, hissing. It can vary in volume, pitch, and frequency.

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With tinnitus, there is a perceived sound but no external sound source. This means it can only be heard by the person experiencing it. Tinnitus can be temporary or chronic and can have an array of effects on people. For some, it might only be a passing annoyance. For others, it can interfere with concentration and sleep, leading to stress, anxiety, and even depression.

With the proper treatment and support, tinnitus doesn’t have to dampen your quality of life permanently. Many people can find ways to cope effectively: including hearing technologies, therapy, and relaxation techniques. We hope to be part of our journey to a solution.

Have you heard of phantom limb pain? Essentially, tinnitus is no different. We discussed the death of inner hair cells and how it results in Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Tinnitus, or the perception of sound when no objective sound source is present, can present for several reasons.

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One of the most common reasons for tinnitus is untreated hearing loss. About 90% of people with tinnitus have hearing loss. One of the easiest ways to explain this phenomenon, as it relates to hearing loss, is that the brain is used to receiving ear-to-brain signals when sound is registered at different frequencies. When there is high-frequency hearing loss, the brain searches for those signals, and when it does not find them because the inner hair cells have died or are damaged, the brain will create signals (AKA: phantom sounds) in their absence (AKA: tinnitus).

What causes tinnitus?

For most, it is a symptom of underlying hearing loss. For others, it is caused by emotional and/or physical trauma, noise exposure, or underlying medical conditions.

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There is an extensive range of causes related to tinnitus. The most common and well-known is loud noise exposure. Aging can also be a factor. As we age naturally and our bodies (and ears!) change, the structure of the inner ear may naturally deteriorate. This can sometimes cause tinnitus. Another possible cause is pressure from earwax blockage.

But wait, there’s more! Unfortunately, some medications can cause or worsen tinnitus. This includes some chemotherapy drugs, some antibiotics, and some antidepressants. Some ear and sinus infections can even cause tinnitus.

Is there a cure for tinnitus?

There is no “silver bullet” or “magic pill” that cures tinnitus. MANY things can be done to reduce the negative impact on your life. As we learn more about your tinnitus and hearing loss, we can create a customized tinnitus management plan for you,

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The bad: we can’t fix your tinnitus with a one-size-fits-all solution. The good: we can work with you to create a tinnitus management plan that fits just right.

We have many approaches to tinnitus management to address your needs and lifestyle, including: sound therapy, counseling, medications, relaxation techniques, and the support of hearing technology.

Part of the reason there isn’t one cohesive “cure” is that there are so many diverse reasons someone might experience tinnitus. Sometimes, multiple reasons are in play at once. It also isn’t yet known what the underlying mechanism causes tinnitus. It’s most likely a complex interaction between the auditory system, the brain, and various neural networks.

Why are hearing devices recommended for tinnitus?

Hearing loss correction should help tinnitus perception fade into the background. Most tinnitus is a symptom of hearing loss, so correcting that is our first priority. In cases where correction doesn’t adequately treat tinnitus alone, additional therapies, apps, and counseling will be added to your management plan.

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Hearing aids amplify sounds and improve overall hearing. When external sounds are enhanced, it can draw the focus away from tinnitus. Many modern hearing aids also have special features for addressing tinnitus. These usually generate low-level background sounds like white noise or gentle nature tones. These pleasant noises can help either wholly or partially mask your tinnitus.

It’s also believed that auditory stimulation from hearing aids promotes neuroplastic brain changes. Basically, the brain grows more used to filtering out the signal of tinnitus and ignoring it.

OTC vs. Prescription

How do I know what devices are OTC or Prescription?

To be really honest, it’s getting harder to tell which is which. That’s one of the reasons we founded BLUEMOTH – we wanted “radical transparency” in the world of hearing wellness and technology. Here’s the key: did you have to take a hearing test with a licensed provider? And, was that prescriptive test used in programming and fitting your hearing technology specifically to you? If the answers are yes, then you likely have a prescription device. If you’re offered an online “hearing test,” no hearing test, or self-selected settings – chances are high that you’re exploring the land of OTC.

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Another good tell for OTC products is that they’re designed for those with mild to moderate hearing loss. Prescription hearing aids, on the other hand, can address a much broader range of hearing loss needs.

Prescription hearing technology is more flexible in this way because they’re so customizable. Prescription aids can be tailored to your unique hearing profile, preferences, and listening environments. OTC products have more limited or fixed settings, so they can’t always adapt to you. As you work with us, you’ll get a first-hand taste of what this means.

Typically, another difference you’ll notice as a customer is the premium feel of going prescription compared to OTC. While OTC is good for a simple fix, prescription hearing aids usually incorporate advanced features and technologies. That can mean directional microphones, feedback cancellation, and fancy signal processing algorithms. The other half of the premium feel is professional support and follow-up care. Prescription hearing aids mean you get audiologist attention from your fitting to counseling to continuing check-ups.

Are OTC products any good?

OTC devices are getting better all the time. They’re great options for someone who has no medical issues with their ears, has minimal hearing loss, and wants a basic “boost.” We like to use the analogy of “readers” or “cheaters” in the glasses realm. We have to give a loving PSA as audiologists that it is best practice to have a hearing test performed to assess your hearing loss(and confirm that earwax or underlying medical issues aren’t culprits). An audiologist can help you understand if prescription devices or OTC would serve you best. There’s power in knowing!

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The most important deciding factor that makes OTC products good is whether or not they’re good for you! Your specific hearing, lifestyle, and needs when it comes to hearing correction will all play into whether OTC technologies are a good fit. Not to mention, what works for one person may not be the best support for another.

Some of the good to consider with OTC hearing technology is that it tends to be accessible, affordable, and convenient. What’s missing tends to be customization, professional guidance, and a lack of advanced features when compared to prescription technology.

With BLUEMOTH, you get the best of both worlds with all the pros of prescription hearing aids alongside a more convenient and life-friendly approach when you have the option to try your tech at home before you buy and access to a more equitable price point.

Which devices are currently OTC?

This list is going to be constantly changing, but a few on the market now are Jabra (previously Lively), Eargo, Nano, Lexie, and Lucid.

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If you choose an OTC device, regardless of brand, you have the option to make your purchase in-store or online. You will need to fit and adjust your OTC device yourself. For some, this independence sounds like a dream. For others, the dream is finding prescription technology and tackling fitting and adjustments under the care of an audiologist with access to holistic hearing wellness resources and follow-ups. 

The FDA regulates OTC hearing tech as medical devices for adults.

Hearing Aids + Technology

Will I have normal hearing with hearing aids?

Hearing aids can’t restore the natural, normal function of the ear. But they can help you understand speech more clearly and generally make hearing easier.

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We don’t want to promise you anything we can’t deliver on. In reality, hearing aids won’t restore natural “normal” hearing. Although hearing technology is improving all the time, aids may not fully restore all the nuances of speech and sound perception. Everyone also has different auditory systems and processing abilities, so results may vary accordingly. Also, complex environments that are crowded or noisy may still be challenging, even with hearing aids.

That being said, while it may not perfectly restore hearing, technology can certainly enhance it and meaningfully improve your quality of life. Hearing devices can significantly improve communication and speech understanding. They can help you get back to all the things you love- the hobbies and conversations that get missed out on with hearing loss.

Why are hearing aids so expensive?

Hearing aids are incredible micro-technology with sophisticated sound processing. They keep getting smaller, faster, and better. Typically hearing aids come in a “bundled” fashion – meaning that you pay for the devices and all of the follow-up services provided. Hearing technology is definitely an investment in your overall health and wellness.

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Hearing technology has undoubtedly come a long way- it gets more high-tech with every passing year. While that’s good news for your ears, it can be bad news for your wallet. Part of what you pay for is all the investment into research and development of cutting-edge technologies and algorithms by manufacturers.

Part of what you’re paying for is also the best of care;the support of audiologists to evaluate your hearing and administer tests, as well as provide counseling, programming, and fitting services. Not to mention the professional follow-ups to ensure your hearing technology is the perfect fit and continues to grow and change with you and your hearing needs. With BLUEMOTH, your initial experience and follow-ups will connect you with audiologists who are passionate about making sure you get to hear better, better.

Does insurance cover hearing aids?

Insurance companies frequently do not cover hearing aids. However, this is improving all the time. Reach out to your provider to see if they offer any benefits and how best to work with them. At BLUEMOTH, we can bring you premium technology through transparent means at a fair value price point – one way we manage this is by not working with insurance companies directly. If your insurance does have hearing aid benefits, you can submit your receipt of purchase for reimbursement through your insurance company.

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Hearing loss is considered a “likely risk” since over 50% of people over the age of 75 experience hearing loss. As a result, many insurance companies aren’t willing to cover the cost of hearing aids. Of course, your mileage will vary and the only way to know for sure is to find out what’s covered by your provider and your plan.

Sometimes, insurance companies are willing to cover some of the other costs associated with your hearing technology, such as your hearing exam. Additionally, some employers offer specific hearing benefits. If you’re stuck on unraveling what’s covered and what isn’t reach out to us via hello@bluemothhearing.com and we would love to tackle this with you.

Is there actually a big difference between hearing aid brands?

Any prescription hearing aid will provide noticeable improvement to your abilities to hear and understand, but they are not all created equal. Each company offers a different sound experience. This is one reason we’re so excited to provide the BLUEMOTH experience box. All of the device options will be programmed according to your unique hearing loss, but YOUR subjective experience of each device may vary greatly.

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Different brands can employ different features and technology in their hearing aids, with varying sophistication. Some brands might have specific innovations or features that set them apart from the competition.

Then there’s the question of style- different brands can vary significantly in their offered models, colors, and styles. Some brands might fit how you want your technology to look and feel better than others. It matters that you love the way your technology looks- you’ll be rocking it every day.

Another major factor is brand reputation and support. Some brands have established themselves as leaders in the hearing technology industry through a strong track record of reliable technology and customer satisfaction. Different companies can offer different support as a result, such as robust device servicing and easy access to customer care professionals.

Can I try them first?

Of course, my friend! That’s the whole goal of the BLUEMOTH experience. The BLUEMOTH experience allows you to try your three premium sets (discover what we recommend as your best fit, by answering a few quick questions in our Solutions Quiz) in the convenience of your home. We believe that the best judge of benefit is you – you’re the one who will rock these devices every day.

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Everything about your hearing is individual to you. We don’t want you to fit a preset mold; we want to meet you where you are and put your preferences first. When you take the quiz, we’ll be able to gauge which devices will be best based on your preferences and the features of the technology available.

Once you get your box, we want you to take your tech on a test drive. Then another test drive, and another, and another (as many as you want!). The home trial is available to you for 45 days so that you can really get a feel for what living with your hearing technology will be like.

Realistically, you’re not going to be wearing your technology in an audiologist’s clinic the majority of the time. After the device is yours, you’ll be wearing it everywhere that you live your life. We want you to try them in all the places that matter most. Try out how they feel in a conversation with your friends or at a family dinner. Wear them on your commute and try them at school or work. Take them to band practice or that painting class you love. Your technology will go everywhere you go, so we think that’s the best way to do a trial run.

What is the process going to be like when I get fit with devices?

Getting hearing technology for the first time can take a little bit of adjustment. Some are good to go right out of the gate. But here’s what the average person can expect: Once you’ve selected your devices, they will be pre-programmed for your specific hearing loss (based on the hearing test/audiogram results you uploaded). Go ahead and give those a whirl! See how they sound in a myriad of situations and environments. Then, should you want changes, book a Programming Appointment with one of our hearing healthcare experts. We can make adjustments remotely based on your experiences and feedback. We can also always help ensure they are physically comfortable and stay in your ears well.

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Your experience with BLUEMOTH isn’t just about awesome cutting edge tech, it’s also about having a team behind you. When you get your devices you’ll have plenty of time to play with the fit independently. You’ll also have access to quick and easy virtual consultations with our team of audiologists whenever you need them. We’re rooting for your hearing wellness, so we want to hear your feedback on your hearing tech journey and make all the little tweaks that make your hearing technology work like magic. 


Schedule a meeting with the team any time and tackle anything, from help with troubleshooting pairing with your favorite Bluetooth devices, understanding and connecting accessories, changes in settings to fit your hearing better, physical comfort, and more.

How long do hearing aids last?

Hearing aids can last a long time – these are the little engine that could, in most cases. On average, people buy hearing aids about every 4 years. Not because their current devices are dead or not working anymore. It’s usually because there have been enough advances in technology that the benefits of new hearing aids warrant the purchase price. Things such as keeping them dry, proper care, maintenance, and routine cleaning will help the longevity of your devices. 

Fun Fact: The oldest set of working devices we’ve ever seen worn and running on a patient was 18 years old! That person was super happy when they graduated into new tech – night and day difference.

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Your hearing tech is a really hard worker. It’s with you day in and day out, which naturally leads to wear and tear. However, the lifespan of your hearing technology isn’t just centered around when it starts falling apart. Really, the lifespan of your hearing technology has a lot to do with your needs and how they might change.


Think about the person you were 4 years ago. Chances are, something has evolved as you’ve lived and grown. Maybe you’ve picked up new hobbies, and now you can’t get enough of surfing or cooking classes. Maybe you’ve headed back into a classroom or into a new job. Eventually, you may find that you’ve outgrown your hearing tech and something new would be a better fit for your lifestyle.

Can I wear them in water?

Is all you’ve ever wanted hearing tech that can keep up with your active lifestyle? Thanks to advancements from hearing tech manufacturers, your device doesn’t have to stand between you and your passions. Our partnership with Phonak allows us to bring you the most waterproof hearing tech option on the market today. Whether you’re finding joy in hot yoga, hitting a trail, or visiting the beach, this new generation of hearing technology will be right there with you.

Computers and water aren’t really best friends, so we do not recommend getting your hearing technology wet if you don’t know that it’s specifically designed for that. If you have a specific set of devices in mind for this question, the best thing to do is to check out the specifications of the device model. You can find this on manufacturer websites, or by reaching out to a customer support representative. Many modern hearing aids are safe to use in the rain and hold up well to sweat. 

Do I need to wear them to sleep?

It’s best to let your ears and body fully rest and relax at bedtime. We encourage people to put their devices on first thing in the morning and remove them last thing at night.

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We’re flattered that you like your hearing tech enough to want it 24/7. However, a break can be a good thing too. We recommend that you wear your hearing devices often- including at home even if you live alone. 


When it comes to sleep, it’s better to take them out overnight. Wearing your devices to bed can risk your devices falling out and getting lost or damaged. Plus, it’s a great chance to let your ears breathe and get air circulating. Stick your hearing aids in their case or into their charger so they’re ready to hit the ground running with you in the morning.

What are realistic expectations for devices?

We LOVE realistic expectations, so this is one of our favorite questions. Each person’s experience and perceptions will be radically different. However, there are some super common things we like to share to set proper expectations at the outset.

Down the rabbit hole.

Some things you may notice after being fit with hearing aids are:

  • Every day sounds like running water, a bag of chips rustling, or your turn signal may seem super loud in the first days or weeks.
  • Things may sound tinnier (high-pitched).
  • “S” sounds may sound sharper.
  • Understanding speech in background noise will be drastically less difficult.

Have questions?
We hear you.

Find a time to talk with a BLUEMOTH Care Coordinator! We'll discuss your hearing journey, answer any questions, and get you scheduled for your free intro audiology appointment. You're one step closer to hearing better. Better.